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SEFAA Constitution and By-Laws
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SEFAA Constitution and By-Laws
The Constitution
"We, the Peoples of the World, in order to effect Unity, Solidarity, Liberty, Freedom and Self-determination, to secure Justice and maintain the Integrity of Ethiopia, which is our divine heritage, do hereby establish and ordain this Constitution for the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association." -- Preamble to the Constitution
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association.
Section 2.
The aims and objects of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be:
(a). To promote love and goodwill among Ethiopians at home and abroad and thereby to maintain the integrity and sovereignty of Ethiopia, to disseminate the ancient Ethiopian culture among its members, to correct abuses, relieve oppression and carve for ourselves and our posterity, a destiny comparable with our idea of perfect manhood and God's purpose in creating us; that we may not only save ourselves from annihilation, but carve for ourselves a place in the Sun; in this endeavor, we determine to seek peace and pursue it, for it is the will of God for man.
(b). To promote and pursue happiness; for it is the goal of human life and endeavor.
(c). To usher in the teaching and practice of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.
(d). To promote and stimulate interest among its members in world affairs, and to cultivate a spirit of international goodwill and comity.
(e). To promote friendly interest among its members, to develop a fraternal spirit among them and to inculcate in its members the desire to render voluntary aid and assistance to one another at all times.
(f). To render voluntary aid and protection to its members, without fee or charge for the when in need. And, if necessary, to provide and care for refugees and disabled victims of the Italio-Ethiopian War.
(g). To give concrete material and voluntary aid without fee or charge for the same, to all such refugees and disabled victims and to raise funds by voluntary subscription for the purposes aforementioned. There shall be no charge, fee, beneficiary tax or other assessment upon the members of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, except for dues, provided for in the Constitution and By Laws of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association.
(h). To encourage its members to develop interest and pride in Democratic institutions and to promote Democratic principles and ideals. May God help us to accomplish these aims and ideals.
(i). Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association is the national security and law enforcement agency for Shashamane Land Grant; This Sovereign Nation in the Country of Ethiopia and in the continent of Africa.
(j). Government Top Secret Security Clearance for active and former members.
(k). Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association is the Security Intelligence and Defense Department of the Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated, To protect the integrity and Sovereignty of the Constitution and By Laws of the Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated in Ethiopia and abroad.
(l). Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association is the national security and law enforcement agency to protect the sovereignty of the Land Grant of Shashamane in Ethiopia, for Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated in the time of Emergency, or in the absence of Land Grant Administrator and all activities.
(m). To Secure the Sovereignty and Integrity of Shashamane Land Grant in Ethiopia.
(n). Legal Services for active and former members of a national security and law enforcement agency., Legal Services recapturring of bailbond fugitives from justice and their return to the custody of official policing agencies on the behalf of the surety agent/bailbondsman who posted said bond.
(o). The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association; Executive and dignitary protection.
(p). Promoting the interests of active and former members of a national security and law enforcement agency in the fields of legislation and regulation; Internal advocacy for active and former members of a national security and law enforcement agency.
(q). Providing financial assistance to active and former members of a national security and law enforcement.
(r). Promoting Public Awareness specifically to children in the use of wireless phones in Emergency situations.
Section 3. Scope:
The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be International in scope.
Section 4. Headquarters:
The Headquarters of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America and Shashamane, Shashamane, Ethiopia.
Section 5. Colors: The official Colors of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association shall be the same as the National Colors of Ethiopia Green, Gold and Red.
Section 6. Eligibility to Office:
Male and female shall be equally eligible to all offices.
Section 7. NonPartisan Character:
The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be nonpartisan and nonpolitical in character, but in cases where partisan, political, or other issues tend to affect the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, adversely in the carrying out of its aims and objects, it shall be free to combat such issues with the best legal means at its disposal.
Section 8. Business Purposes:
(1). Civic League
(2). Legal Services
(3). Financial Services
(4). Social Welfare
(5). Patriotic
(6). Alumni
(7). National Security
(8). Federal Law Enforcement Agency
(9). International Community Development
(10). International Affairs
(11). Police Protection
(12). Internal Affairs
(13). Educational Services
(14). Veterans Affairs
(15). Embassy Services
(16). Lobbying Services
(17). Diplomatic Security Services
(18). Executive Council of Government
(19). other Levels General Government
(20). Holistic Alternatives Medicinal Services
(21). Caregiver Services
(22). Agricultural Services
(23). Humanitarian
(24). Science & Technology Intelligence
(25). Government Id Card Issuing Services
(26). Internal Advocacy
(27). Government Contracting Services
(28). Vendors
(29). Distributors
(30). Personal Security Consultation
(31). Security Services
(32). Surety Bonding Services
(33). Surety Insurance Services
(34). Underwriter Insurance Services
(35). Bail Bonds Services
(36). Holding Companies
(37). Real Estate Brokerage Services
(38). Financial valuation of Personal Property and Real Estate Appraisal Services
(39). Real Estate Property Management Services
(40). Fugitive Recovery Services
(41). Investigation of Assets for security purposes
(42). Private Investigation
(43). General Government
(44). Other Public Safety
(45). Conduct Criminal Investigations
(46). Conducting Business Investigations and Evaluations of the Programs and Operations of others in the Communication Delivery systems field, including but not limited to delivery, Contracting, Information technology and Labor Management, in order to prevent and detect fraud, waste and abuse.
(47). Investigative Services
(48). Fraternal
(49). Conservatorship Services.
Section 9. Arrest Authority: The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association Arrest Authority and Broad General Investigative Powers were established and granted by: His Imperial Majesty (HIM) Haile Selassie I, The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association Federal Law Enforcement Officers are authorized by: The Imperial Government of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie (HIM); to perform these specific functions: Conduct criminal investigations, execute search warrants, carry firearms, make arrests, and have legal authority to carry out extraterritorial law enforcement activities.
Section 10. No Individual who is a member of any other organization, political party, religious group or sect, which requires that individual to pledge unswerving allegiance to its tenets, thus depriving him of freedom of thought and action which may be necessary in carrying out the aims and objects of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be elected or appointed to office, or shall allow himself to be elected to any office. Any election or appointment to office in violation of this Section, shall be null and void.
Section 1. The Membership shall comprise the INDIGENOUS PEOPLES of the world.
Section 2.
APPLICATION: Application for Membership must be in writing.
Section 3.
Rejection: The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association. shall have the right to reject any application for membership including reason.
Section 4.
Joining fees: The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall have the right to fix a joining fee. There shall be a joining fee of One Dollar (U.S.$ 1:00). However, The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, through its Executive Council, shall have the right to grant special dispensation to certain areas and to adjust this fee to suit the conditions thereof, provided, however, that in no area the amount effected by the dispensation shall exceed One Dollar (U.S. $1.00).
Section 5.
Dues: The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall have the right to establish membership dues. The Membership dues shall be ten cents (U.S. $.10) per week. These dues shall be remitted to the Headquarters.
Section 1. These shall be the following International Officers of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association:
(a). President
(b). First Vice President
(c). Second Vice President
(d). Executive Secretary
(e). Treasurer
(f). Organizer
(g). Chaplain
Section 2. Executive Council. There shall be an Executive Council composed of elected International Officers, together with these (3) additional elected by the convention.
Section 3. Duties of International Officers:
(a). The International President shall be the executive head of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, and reside in the City of Las Vegas, Nevada. It shall be the duty of the International President to preside at the International Conventions and to deliver an address on the State of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association. He shall sign all legal documents and be chairman to the International Executive Council. It shall be his duty to call Conventions as appointed by law, and in cases of emergency, by and with the consent of the Executive Council, call special conventions.
(b). The First International Vice-President shall reside in the City of Washington, District of Columbia and shall assume the duties of the International President in his absences or when requested to do so by him.
(c). Second International Vice-President: The 2nd International Vice-President shall perform the duties of the First Vice-President in his absences and shall assist the First Vice-President in the performance of such duties as may be assigned to him by the President In case of death or permanent disability of the First Vice-President. The International Executive Head to serve until the next general election.
(d). Executive Secretary: The Executive Secretary shall have charge of the main office of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, and shall be held responsible
(e). Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the International Treasurer to receive all monies from Executive Secretary. He shall, in conjunctions with other members of the Banking Committee, deposit all amounts of money in the bank or banks designated by the Executive Council at all times. He shall issue be open to inspection by the Executive Council at all times. He shall issue receipts all monies received by him for the organization. He shall pay out monies upon order of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association only. He shall be bonded by a reliable surety company. The premium for such a bond shall be paid by the organization. He shall be a member of the Executive Council.
(f). International Organizer: It shall be the duty of the International Organizer to organize locals, to supervise locals already established and to keep the in good working order. He shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive Council. He shall keep the Headquarters informed of his activities from week to week and he shall submit a monthly report.
(g). Absence: Any officer absenting himself from three (3) successive meetings and failing to submit sufficient reason for his absence, this office may be declared vacant by the Executive Council.
(h). Section 4.
The Executive Council of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, and shall instruct locals from time to time on matters not herein mentioned. All questions of procedure not specifically mentioned in this Constitution shall be governed by Robert's Manual of Parliamentary Procedure.
Section 1.
Conventions: There shall be an annual Convention of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association. It shall be called on the sixteenth day of July. The Convention shall select the place of meeting of the succeeding Convention.
Section 2. Delegates to the Conventions: Each local shall be entitled to representation in Convention by delegates. There shall be one delegate for each 25 members up to one hundred, and for each additional one hundred members or part thereof, one additional delegate. One third (1/3) of the number of duty accredited delegates to any Convention shall constitute a quorum at the Convention.
Section 3. Elections: The election of all international officers shall take place during the Convention. The election shall be by ballot. All locals shall hold their election during the first two weeks in December. Section 4. Term of Office: All officers, international and local, shall be elected for a term of four years.
Section 5. Installation: The installation of elected international officers shall be held on a date preceding the closing of the Convention. The installation of officers of locals shall be at the first regular meeting in January following the election.
Section 6. Uniforms: The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agent Association, shall have the right to decide on the kind of uniforms, if any, to be worn during parades and Conventions.
Section 7. Special Authorities: The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agent Association, shall have the right to Conduct criminal investigations, execute search warrants, carry firearms, make arrests, file charges and have legal authority to carry out extraterritorial law enforcement activities. The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association arrest authority powers were granted by: His Imperial Majesty (HIM) The Emperor of Ethiopia, to defend, protect and ensure the Sovereignty of Shashamane Land Grant in Ethiopia from Domestic and International Terrorist Organizations and Groups. These Special Authorities shall not be amended under any circumstances in contrast with The Constitution and ByLaws of The United States of America and The Republican State of California. Laws between the United States of America and the Ethiopian Treaty protect, defend and ensure the will set forth by HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY (HIM), and will combine forces under Authoritative orders to secure the Shashamane Land Grant and its inhabitants perpetually.
Section 8. Meetings: It shall be within the discretion of any local to hold its meetings as often as desired, provided, however, that they shall be held regular.
Section 9. Nine members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business in the local.
Section 1.
(a). The first unit of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, in the District of Columbia shall be known as SEFAA.
(b). The duly elected officers of Local No. 1 shall be the International Officers, except the President, until a Convention is called and International Officers are duly elected.
Section 2.
(a). The right to issue charters is vested in the Executive Council.
(b). The right to revoke charters is vested in the Executive Council.
Section 1.
(a). Any twentyfive (25) persons or more, desirous of forming a local, shall apply to the Executive Council for a charter.
(b). The fee for this charter shall be Ten ($10.00) Dollars.
Section 2.
The officers of each local of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Recording-Corresponding Secretary, Chaplain, Sergeant-at-Arms.
Section 3.
Each local shall establish an Executive Committee. This Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Recording-Corresponding Secretary, Chaplain, Sergeant-at-Arms and the three (3) other members elected by the local.
Section 4.
Duties of officers-Locals:
(a) President: The President shall preside at all meetings, sign all documents of the local and appoint all committees and units. The President shall have power to call special meetings in the general interest of the organization whenever he deems it necessary. The President shall be exofficial member of all committees.
(b) Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the Vice-Presidents, in their order to preside at regular meetings in the absence of the President or whenever requested to do so by him or her.
(c) Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive from the Financial Secretary all monies belonging to the local giving a voucher for same, and shall deposit or cause to be deposited, twentyfour hours after its receipt, such monies in a bank or banks selected by the Executive Committee. He shall pay out monies on order of the Executive Committee only. He shall make a monthly report to the local on a blank provided for the purpose, submitting a certified copy to the Headquarters. He shall be bonded.
(d) Financial Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Financial Secretary to receive all monies from subscriptions, dues, contributions, rallies and special efforts from the members of the local, and from all other sources, give a receipt and keep an accurate record thereof. He shall turn over all such monies to the Treasurer at the close of each meeting and shall demand a voucher therefor. He shall be bonded. The books of the Financial Secretary shall be open to the Executive Committee of the local or to any person authorized by said committee to examine them. The Financial Secretary shall be required to collaborate with the RecordingCorresponding Secretary and shall, on request, give such information as may be required by the Recording Corresponding Secretary of entries or records made in his books. The Financial Secretary shall make a monthly report to the local on a blank provided for the purpose, submitting a signed copy to the Headquarters.
(e) Recording-Corresponding Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Recording Corresponding Secretary to keep a correct record of the minutes and proceedings of the regular meetings. He shall keep a correct list of the members of the local. He shall be required to collaborate with the Financial Secretary and shall on request give such information as may be required by the Financial Secretary of entries or records made in his books. He shall keep on file all reports and communications. He shall affix his signature, together with the seal of the local, to all documents. He shall keep the seal of the local under his personal supervision. He shall read all reports and minutes of previous meetings. He shall be a member of the Executive Committee of the local. The RecordingCorresponding Secretary shall have charge of all books, literature, flags, buttons, stamps and all salable articles of the local and shall turn over the proceeds from the sale thereof to the Financial Secretary.
(f) Chaplain: It shall be the duty of the Chaplain to open and close every meeting of the local with prayer and to minister to the spiritual needs of the members. He shall be responsible. for the moral tone pervading the local. He shall transmit to the local such instructions and literature as shall be sent to him from time to time by the International Chaplain. He shall be a member of the local committee on Complaints and Grievances and of the Sick Committee.
(g) Sergeant-at-Arms: The Sergeant-at-Arms shall attend all meetings of the local and see that the meeting room is in order. He shall attend at the door of the meeting room, prevent the admission of any person who is not entitled to admission, or whose conduct is unbecoming; and when instructed by the President, shall remove from the meeting room any person whose conduct is not in keeping with good order and discipline. He shall perform any and all such other duties pertaining to his office as might be required of him by the President.
Standing Committees: The following committees shall be established:
Section 1. Banking. Membership, Education, Publicity, Sick, Ways & Means, Information, Auditing, Complaints & Grievances, House Committee and such other committees as shall from time to time become necessary provided that such committees are approved by the International Executive Council.
(a). Banking Committee: There shall be a Banking Committee composed of the President, Treasurer and three (3) other members elected from the body. It shall be the duty of the Banking Committee to keep a check on the deposits and withdrawals by the Treasurer and to assist him in any way he desires. It shall have access to the bank books held by the Treasurer and may from time to time check with him, his bank accounts and financial dealings.
(b). Membership: It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee to devise plans to increase the membership of the local; to visit delinquent members; to encourage their attendance at the meetings and encourage them in the full performance of their duties.
(c). Education: It shall be the duty of the Committee on Education to provide for the use of the members, books, papers, magazines and all historical and cultural material and literature touching racial questions as well as political, economic, social, health, agricultural and other matters which will aid in the betterment of Black Peoples and humanity in general. This committee shall from time to time plan and conduct educational programs.
(d). Publicity Committee: It shall be the duty of the Committee on Publicity to keep before the public the aims and objects of the organization and the work of the local. It shall endeavor to publicize its activities. It shall be responsible for the distribution of the official organ of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association.
(e). Sick Committee: It shall be the duty of the Sick Committee to keep a list of the sick members; to visit them regularly and to encourage the general membership to do so. It shall evince a genuine interest in the sick members, doing all in its power to aid and comfort them. It shall raise funds for their financial assistance; these funds shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the local and kept by him in a separate account. The committee shall recommend to the Executive Committee the nature and amount of the aid that may be given.
(f). Ways and Means: It shall be the duty of the Ways and Means committee to devise plans for raising money to conduct the business of the local.
(g). Information Committee: It shall be the duty of the Committee on Information to gather information for the general welfare of the Federation.
(h). Auditing Committee: There shall be an Auditing Committee of three (3) members. It shall be the duty of the Auditing Committee to make an audit of the books of the local and submit its report to the local with a signed copy of the report to the Headquarters quarterly. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to demand an audit at anytime. No member of the Executive Committee shall serve on the Auditing Committee.
(i). House Committee: The House Committee shall have charge of the building and all other physical property belonging to the local. They shall see to it that these are kept in proper order and repaired and shall prepare the house for meetings. They shall make a monthly inventory of all physical property.
(j). Complaints and Grievances Committee: Any member having complaints or grievances affecting the organization or any member thereof, shall submit the same to the Committee on Complaints and Grievances. The Committee shall hear all complaints and grievances submitted to it and shall make a determined effort to settle in committee, all differences. Failing to effect a settlement, the matter shall be presented by Secretary of the committee to the Executive Committee of the local. It shall review the entire case. The party failing to abide by the decision of the Executive Committee shall have the right of appeal to the Executive Council of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association. The decision of the Executive Council shall be final.
Whenever an officer of any local shall practice malfeasance in office, or shall conduct himself in a manner unbecoming an officer, he shall be impeached. Any member of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, in good standing may present charges against an officer. Charges shall be in writing; whenever a charge is preferred against an officer, it shall first be presented to the Committee on Complaints and Grievances. This Committee shall hear and examine the evidence immediately upon presentation of the charges. Should the evidence be found insufficient to warrant a trial, the Committee on Complaints and Grievances, shall, by majority vote, dismiss the charges. Should the evidence warrant a trial, the committee shall recommend to the President suspension of the officer. The President shall suspend the officer, pending trial. Should the officer charged be the President, any recommendations for his suspension shall be made to the First Vice-President. The Committee on Complaints and Grievances, if it finds that a trial is warranted, shall submit the charges to the Executive Committee within twenty four hours. The Executive Committee of the local shall hear these charges and on the evidence submitted on both sides render a fair decision. The defendant shall have the right of appeal to the Executive Council of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association. The decision of the Executive Council shall be final.
Section 1. A unit is a group within a local, which is required to perform certain specialized duties or task. The personnel of all units, appointed by the president, shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
(a). Medical: The Medical Unit shall constitute persons who are members of the medical, dental, pharmaceutical and nursing profession. It shall be their duty to give instructions, lectures and general information on health and other topics affecting the well being of the membership. They shall give to any group desiring training, instruction in first aid, hygiene and preventive medicinal alternatives. The local failing to include any of the above named professional persons in its membership shall form a medical unit among the lay members. This unit shall invite such members of the above named professions as are available to conduct classes and give instruction in the subjects aforementioned.
(b). Musical: Every local shall have the right to set up a Musical Unit. This unit shall consist of a band. orchestra and a choir. Each department shall have its own musical director. The musical directors shall be qualified musicians.
(c). Juvenile: Every local shall have the right to set up a Juvenile Department and to determine its functions.
(d). Women's Auxiliary: Each local shall have the right to establish a Women's Auxiliary. It shall be the duty of the Women's Auxiliary to raise funds to be used for the expense of delegates to the Convention, to provide for the care, keep and comfort of international officers visiting the local on business, and for any other business which the Executive Committee shall decide.
Section 1. Benefits: All financial members of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be entitled to the benefits hereafter mentioned:
(a). All applications for help shall be referred to the Sick Committee, which may recommend aid according to the circumstances of the case.
(b). The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall attempt to make or find employment for its members who make application for such employment.
(c). The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be entitled to Mutual Benefits.
(d). Death: The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall establish a burial fund; each member of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, in order to obtain the benefits of this burial fund shall have subscribed to the fund for at least one (1) year and shall be in good financial standing in the organization. The subscription to the burial fund shall be $.25 per month. Upon conclusive proof of death, the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall subscribe from this fund the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars towards the funeral expense of the deceased. Any member who fails to subscribe to the burial fund for three months shall be unfinancial in this fund and shall not be entitled to the benefits of this fund Any member who is unfinancial in the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be classified as unfinancial in the burial fund. The Financial Secretary of the local shall collect from each member monthly the subscription to the burial fund.
The Constitution may be amended by the following procedure:
1. Notice setting forth a copy of the proposed amendment shall be submitted at a regular Convention and shall require a majority vote for endorsement The Convention, shall set a time limit not exceeding one (l) year within which each local shall vote upon the proposed amendment The Executive Secretary shall transmit an official transcript of the endorsed amendment to each local. A majority vote in each local shall determine the vote of the local. The amendment shall be declared ratified when threefourths of the total number of locals shall have voted affirmatively for the proposed amendment.
Section 1.
Order of Business:
1. Call to Order by the Presiding Officer.
2. Devotional Exercises.
3. Roll Call of Officers.
4. Remarks by the Presiding Officer.
5. Reading of Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
6. Unfinished Business.
7. Communications.
8. Applications for Membership.
9. Report of Special Committees.
10. Report of Standing Committees.
11. Admission of New Members.
12. Good and Welfare.
13. Closing Remarks.
14. Receipts of the Meeting.
15. Adjournment.
Section 2. Monthly Reports.
All locals must send monthly reports and returns to the Headquarters.
Section 3. Names and Addresses of Officers.
The names and addresses of the officers of all locals must be filed at Headquarters. It is the duty of the local to send this information to the headquarters within ten days from the date of election.
Section 4. Time and Place of Regular Meetings.
All locals shall inform the Headquarters of their time and place of regular meetings.
Section 5. Oath of Office.
Each elected officer shall take the following Oath of Office before he is installed:
Section 6.
Admission of New Members.
Section 7.
Appointment of Committees. The President shall appoint the chairman and members of all committees, except in cases where provision is made in the Constitution for election of members to any committee.
Section 8.
Removal of Officers. The President shall have the right to remove any officer from an appointive office.
Section 9.
All members, committees, and units must submit their suggestions, recommendations, findings, and reports to the Executive Committee for its approval, before such suggestions, recommendations, findings and reports shall be presented to the general body of the local.
Section 10.
Application for Charter. All applications for charters shall be made to the Executive Council of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, on prescribed Application Forms. These forms can be obtained from the Headquarters upon request.
Section 11. No officer or member shall discuss the business of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, in public or with any person or persons who are not active members of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association.
Section 12. Expense of Delegates. Each local shall bear the expenses of its own delegates and should in case it is found necessary for the Executive Council to send a special delegate or delegates to any local, that local may be required to pay the expenses of the delegate or delegates.
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association.
Section 2.
The aims and objects of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be:
(a). To promote love and goodwill among Ethiopians at home and abroad and thereby to maintain the integrity and sovereignty of Ethiopia, to disseminate the ancient Ethiopian culture among its members, to correct abuses, relieve oppression and carve for ourselves and our posterity, a destiny comparable with our idea of perfect manhood and God's purpose in creating us; that we may not only save ourselves from annihilation, but carve for ourselves a place in the Sun; in this endeavor, we determine to seek peace and pursue it, for it is the will of God for man.
(b). To promote and pursue happiness; for it is the goal of human life and endeavor.
(c). To usher in the teaching and practice of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.
(d). To promote and stimulate interest among its members in world affairs, and to cultivate a spirit of international goodwill and comity.
(e). To promote friendly interest among its members, to develop a fraternal spirit among them and to inculcate in its members the desire to render voluntary aid and assistance to one another at all times.
(f). To render voluntary aid and protection to its members, without fee or charge for the when in need. And, if necessary, to provide and care for refugees and disabled victims of the Italio-Ethiopian War.
(g). To give concrete material and voluntary aid without fee or charge for the same, to all such refugees and disabled victims and to raise funds by voluntary subscription for the purposes aforementioned. There shall be no charge, fee, beneficiary tax or other assessment upon the members of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, except for dues, provided for in the Constitution and By Laws of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association.
(h). To encourage its members to develop interest and pride in Democratic institutions and to promote Democratic principles and ideals. May God help us to accomplish these aims and ideals.
(i). Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association is the national security and law enforcement agency for Shashamane Land Grant; This Sovereign Nation in the Country of Ethiopia and in the continent of Africa.
(j). Government Top Secret Security Clearance for active and former members.
(k). Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association is the Security Intelligence and Defense Department of the Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated, To protect the integrity and Sovereignty of the Constitution and By Laws of the Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated in Ethiopia and abroad.
(l). Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association is the national security and law enforcement agency to protect the sovereignty of the Land Grant of Shashamane in Ethiopia, for Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated in the time of Emergency, or in the absence of Land Grant Administrator and all activities.
(m). To Secure the Sovereignty and Integrity of Shashamane Land Grant in Ethiopia.
(n). Legal Services for active and former members of a national security and law enforcement agency., Legal Services recapturring of bailbond fugitives from justice and their return to the custody of official policing agencies on the behalf of the surety agent/bailbondsman who posted said bond.
(o). The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association; Executive and dignitary protection.
(p). Promoting the interests of active and former members of a national security and law enforcement agency in the fields of legislation and regulation; Internal advocacy for active and former members of a national security and law enforcement agency.
(q). Providing financial assistance to active and former members of a national security and law enforcement.
(r). Promoting Public Awareness specifically to children in the use of wireless phones in Emergency situations.
Section 3. Scope:
The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be International in scope.
Section 4. Headquarters:
The Headquarters of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America and Shashamane, Shashamane, Ethiopia.
Section 5. Colors: The official Colors of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association shall be the same as the National Colors of Ethiopia Green, Gold and Red.
Section 6. Eligibility to Office:
Male and female shall be equally eligible to all offices.
Section 7. NonPartisan Character:
The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be nonpartisan and nonpolitical in character, but in cases where partisan, political, or other issues tend to affect the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, adversely in the carrying out of its aims and objects, it shall be free to combat such issues with the best legal means at its disposal.
Section 8. Business Purposes:
(1). Civic League
(2). Legal Services
(3). Financial Services
(4). Social Welfare
(5). Patriotic
(6). Alumni
(7). National Security
(8). Federal Law Enforcement Agency
(9). International Community Development
(10). International Affairs
(11). Police Protection
(12). Internal Affairs
(13). Educational Services
(14). Veterans Affairs
(15). Embassy Services
(16). Lobbying Services
(17). Diplomatic Security Services
(18). Executive Council of Government
(19). other Levels General Government
(20). Holistic Alternatives Medicinal Services
(21). Caregiver Services
(22). Agricultural Services
(23). Humanitarian
(24). Science & Technology Intelligence
(25). Government Id Card Issuing Services
(26). Internal Advocacy
(27). Government Contracting Services
(28). Vendors
(29). Distributors
(30). Personal Security Consultation
(31). Security Services
(32). Surety Bonding Services
(33). Surety Insurance Services
(34). Underwriter Insurance Services
(35). Bail Bonds Services
(36). Holding Companies
(37). Real Estate Brokerage Services
(38). Financial valuation of Personal Property and Real Estate Appraisal Services
(39). Real Estate Property Management Services
(40). Fugitive Recovery Services
(41). Investigation of Assets for security purposes
(42). Private Investigation
(43). General Government
(44). Other Public Safety
(45). Conduct Criminal Investigations
(46). Conducting Business Investigations and Evaluations of the Programs and Operations of others in the Communication Delivery systems field, including but not limited to delivery, Contracting, Information technology and Labor Management, in order to prevent and detect fraud, waste and abuse.
(47). Investigative Services
(48). Fraternal
(49). Conservatorship Services.
Section 9. Arrest Authority: The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association Arrest Authority and Broad General Investigative Powers were established and granted by: His Imperial Majesty (HIM) Haile Selassie I, The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association Federal Law Enforcement Officers are authorized by: The Imperial Government of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie (HIM); to perform these specific functions: Conduct criminal investigations, execute search warrants, carry firearms, make arrests, and have legal authority to carry out extraterritorial law enforcement activities.
Section 10. No Individual who is a member of any other organization, political party, religious group or sect, which requires that individual to pledge unswerving allegiance to its tenets, thus depriving him of freedom of thought and action which may be necessary in carrying out the aims and objects of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be elected or appointed to office, or shall allow himself to be elected to any office. Any election or appointment to office in violation of this Section, shall be null and void.
Section 1. The Membership shall comprise the INDIGENOUS PEOPLES of the world.
Section 2.
APPLICATION: Application for Membership must be in writing.
Section 3.
Rejection: The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association. shall have the right to reject any application for membership including reason.
Section 4.
Joining fees: The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall have the right to fix a joining fee. There shall be a joining fee of One Dollar (U.S.$ 1:00). However, The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, through its Executive Council, shall have the right to grant special dispensation to certain areas and to adjust this fee to suit the conditions thereof, provided, however, that in no area the amount effected by the dispensation shall exceed One Dollar (U.S. $1.00).
Section 5.
Dues: The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall have the right to establish membership dues. The Membership dues shall be ten cents (U.S. $.10) per week. These dues shall be remitted to the Headquarters.
Section 1. These shall be the following International Officers of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association:
(a). President
(b). First Vice President
(c). Second Vice President
(d). Executive Secretary
(e). Treasurer
(f). Organizer
(g). Chaplain
Section 2. Executive Council. There shall be an Executive Council composed of elected International Officers, together with these (3) additional elected by the convention.
Section 3. Duties of International Officers:
(a). The International President shall be the executive head of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, and reside in the City of Las Vegas, Nevada. It shall be the duty of the International President to preside at the International Conventions and to deliver an address on the State of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association. He shall sign all legal documents and be chairman to the International Executive Council. It shall be his duty to call Conventions as appointed by law, and in cases of emergency, by and with the consent of the Executive Council, call special conventions.
(b). The First International Vice-President shall reside in the City of Washington, District of Columbia and shall assume the duties of the International President in his absences or when requested to do so by him.
(c). Second International Vice-President: The 2nd International Vice-President shall perform the duties of the First Vice-President in his absences and shall assist the First Vice-President in the performance of such duties as may be assigned to him by the President In case of death or permanent disability of the First Vice-President. The International Executive Head to serve until the next general election.
(d). Executive Secretary: The Executive Secretary shall have charge of the main office of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, and shall be held responsible
(e). Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the International Treasurer to receive all monies from Executive Secretary. He shall, in conjunctions with other members of the Banking Committee, deposit all amounts of money in the bank or banks designated by the Executive Council at all times. He shall issue be open to inspection by the Executive Council at all times. He shall issue receipts all monies received by him for the organization. He shall pay out monies upon order of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association only. He shall be bonded by a reliable surety company. The premium for such a bond shall be paid by the organization. He shall be a member of the Executive Council.
(f). International Organizer: It shall be the duty of the International Organizer to organize locals, to supervise locals already established and to keep the in good working order. He shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive Council. He shall keep the Headquarters informed of his activities from week to week and he shall submit a monthly report.
(g). Absence: Any officer absenting himself from three (3) successive meetings and failing to submit sufficient reason for his absence, this office may be declared vacant by the Executive Council.
(h). Section 4.
The Executive Council of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, and shall instruct locals from time to time on matters not herein mentioned. All questions of procedure not specifically mentioned in this Constitution shall be governed by Robert's Manual of Parliamentary Procedure.
Section 1.
Conventions: There shall be an annual Convention of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association. It shall be called on the sixteenth day of July. The Convention shall select the place of meeting of the succeeding Convention.
Section 2. Delegates to the Conventions: Each local shall be entitled to representation in Convention by delegates. There shall be one delegate for each 25 members up to one hundred, and for each additional one hundred members or part thereof, one additional delegate. One third (1/3) of the number of duty accredited delegates to any Convention shall constitute a quorum at the Convention.
Section 3. Elections: The election of all international officers shall take place during the Convention. The election shall be by ballot. All locals shall hold their election during the first two weeks in December. Section 4. Term of Office: All officers, international and local, shall be elected for a term of four years.
Section 5. Installation: The installation of elected international officers shall be held on a date preceding the closing of the Convention. The installation of officers of locals shall be at the first regular meeting in January following the election.
Section 6. Uniforms: The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agent Association, shall have the right to decide on the kind of uniforms, if any, to be worn during parades and Conventions.
Section 7. Special Authorities: The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agent Association, shall have the right to Conduct criminal investigations, execute search warrants, carry firearms, make arrests, file charges and have legal authority to carry out extraterritorial law enforcement activities. The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association arrest authority powers were granted by: His Imperial Majesty (HIM) The Emperor of Ethiopia, to defend, protect and ensure the Sovereignty of Shashamane Land Grant in Ethiopia from Domestic and International Terrorist Organizations and Groups. These Special Authorities shall not be amended under any circumstances in contrast with The Constitution and ByLaws of The United States of America and The Republican State of California. Laws between the United States of America and the Ethiopian Treaty protect, defend and ensure the will set forth by HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY (HIM), and will combine forces under Authoritative orders to secure the Shashamane Land Grant and its inhabitants perpetually.
Section 8. Meetings: It shall be within the discretion of any local to hold its meetings as often as desired, provided, however, that they shall be held regular.
Section 9. Nine members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business in the local.
Section 1.
(a). The first unit of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, in the District of Columbia shall be known as SEFAA.
(b). The duly elected officers of Local No. 1 shall be the International Officers, except the President, until a Convention is called and International Officers are duly elected.
Section 2.
(a). The right to issue charters is vested in the Executive Council.
(b). The right to revoke charters is vested in the Executive Council.
Section 1.
(a). Any twentyfive (25) persons or more, desirous of forming a local, shall apply to the Executive Council for a charter.
(b). The fee for this charter shall be Ten ($10.00) Dollars.
Section 2.
The officers of each local of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Recording-Corresponding Secretary, Chaplain, Sergeant-at-Arms.
Section 3.
Each local shall establish an Executive Committee. This Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Recording-Corresponding Secretary, Chaplain, Sergeant-at-Arms and the three (3) other members elected by the local.
Section 4.
Duties of officers-Locals:
(a) President: The President shall preside at all meetings, sign all documents of the local and appoint all committees and units. The President shall have power to call special meetings in the general interest of the organization whenever he deems it necessary. The President shall be exofficial member of all committees.
(b) Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the Vice-Presidents, in their order to preside at regular meetings in the absence of the President or whenever requested to do so by him or her.
(c) Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive from the Financial Secretary all monies belonging to the local giving a voucher for same, and shall deposit or cause to be deposited, twentyfour hours after its receipt, such monies in a bank or banks selected by the Executive Committee. He shall pay out monies on order of the Executive Committee only. He shall make a monthly report to the local on a blank provided for the purpose, submitting a certified copy to the Headquarters. He shall be bonded.
(d) Financial Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Financial Secretary to receive all monies from subscriptions, dues, contributions, rallies and special efforts from the members of the local, and from all other sources, give a receipt and keep an accurate record thereof. He shall turn over all such monies to the Treasurer at the close of each meeting and shall demand a voucher therefor. He shall be bonded. The books of the Financial Secretary shall be open to the Executive Committee of the local or to any person authorized by said committee to examine them. The Financial Secretary shall be required to collaborate with the RecordingCorresponding Secretary and shall, on request, give such information as may be required by the Recording Corresponding Secretary of entries or records made in his books. The Financial Secretary shall make a monthly report to the local on a blank provided for the purpose, submitting a signed copy to the Headquarters.
(e) Recording-Corresponding Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Recording Corresponding Secretary to keep a correct record of the minutes and proceedings of the regular meetings. He shall keep a correct list of the members of the local. He shall be required to collaborate with the Financial Secretary and shall on request give such information as may be required by the Financial Secretary of entries or records made in his books. He shall keep on file all reports and communications. He shall affix his signature, together with the seal of the local, to all documents. He shall keep the seal of the local under his personal supervision. He shall read all reports and minutes of previous meetings. He shall be a member of the Executive Committee of the local. The RecordingCorresponding Secretary shall have charge of all books, literature, flags, buttons, stamps and all salable articles of the local and shall turn over the proceeds from the sale thereof to the Financial Secretary.
(f) Chaplain: It shall be the duty of the Chaplain to open and close every meeting of the local with prayer and to minister to the spiritual needs of the members. He shall be responsible. for the moral tone pervading the local. He shall transmit to the local such instructions and literature as shall be sent to him from time to time by the International Chaplain. He shall be a member of the local committee on Complaints and Grievances and of the Sick Committee.
(g) Sergeant-at-Arms: The Sergeant-at-Arms shall attend all meetings of the local and see that the meeting room is in order. He shall attend at the door of the meeting room, prevent the admission of any person who is not entitled to admission, or whose conduct is unbecoming; and when instructed by the President, shall remove from the meeting room any person whose conduct is not in keeping with good order and discipline. He shall perform any and all such other duties pertaining to his office as might be required of him by the President.
Standing Committees: The following committees shall be established:
Section 1. Banking. Membership, Education, Publicity, Sick, Ways & Means, Information, Auditing, Complaints & Grievances, House Committee and such other committees as shall from time to time become necessary provided that such committees are approved by the International Executive Council.
(a). Banking Committee: There shall be a Banking Committee composed of the President, Treasurer and three (3) other members elected from the body. It shall be the duty of the Banking Committee to keep a check on the deposits and withdrawals by the Treasurer and to assist him in any way he desires. It shall have access to the bank books held by the Treasurer and may from time to time check with him, his bank accounts and financial dealings.
(b). Membership: It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee to devise plans to increase the membership of the local; to visit delinquent members; to encourage their attendance at the meetings and encourage them in the full performance of their duties.
(c). Education: It shall be the duty of the Committee on Education to provide for the use of the members, books, papers, magazines and all historical and cultural material and literature touching racial questions as well as political, economic, social, health, agricultural and other matters which will aid in the betterment of Black Peoples and humanity in general. This committee shall from time to time plan and conduct educational programs.
(d). Publicity Committee: It shall be the duty of the Committee on Publicity to keep before the public the aims and objects of the organization and the work of the local. It shall endeavor to publicize its activities. It shall be responsible for the distribution of the official organ of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association.
(e). Sick Committee: It shall be the duty of the Sick Committee to keep a list of the sick members; to visit them regularly and to encourage the general membership to do so. It shall evince a genuine interest in the sick members, doing all in its power to aid and comfort them. It shall raise funds for their financial assistance; these funds shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the local and kept by him in a separate account. The committee shall recommend to the Executive Committee the nature and amount of the aid that may be given.
(f). Ways and Means: It shall be the duty of the Ways and Means committee to devise plans for raising money to conduct the business of the local.
(g). Information Committee: It shall be the duty of the Committee on Information to gather information for the general welfare of the Federation.
(h). Auditing Committee: There shall be an Auditing Committee of three (3) members. It shall be the duty of the Auditing Committee to make an audit of the books of the local and submit its report to the local with a signed copy of the report to the Headquarters quarterly. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to demand an audit at anytime. No member of the Executive Committee shall serve on the Auditing Committee.
(i). House Committee: The House Committee shall have charge of the building and all other physical property belonging to the local. They shall see to it that these are kept in proper order and repaired and shall prepare the house for meetings. They shall make a monthly inventory of all physical property.
(j). Complaints and Grievances Committee: Any member having complaints or grievances affecting the organization or any member thereof, shall submit the same to the Committee on Complaints and Grievances. The Committee shall hear all complaints and grievances submitted to it and shall make a determined effort to settle in committee, all differences. Failing to effect a settlement, the matter shall be presented by Secretary of the committee to the Executive Committee of the local. It shall review the entire case. The party failing to abide by the decision of the Executive Committee shall have the right of appeal to the Executive Council of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association. The decision of the Executive Council shall be final.
Whenever an officer of any local shall practice malfeasance in office, or shall conduct himself in a manner unbecoming an officer, he shall be impeached. Any member of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, in good standing may present charges against an officer. Charges shall be in writing; whenever a charge is preferred against an officer, it shall first be presented to the Committee on Complaints and Grievances. This Committee shall hear and examine the evidence immediately upon presentation of the charges. Should the evidence be found insufficient to warrant a trial, the Committee on Complaints and Grievances, shall, by majority vote, dismiss the charges. Should the evidence warrant a trial, the committee shall recommend to the President suspension of the officer. The President shall suspend the officer, pending trial. Should the officer charged be the President, any recommendations for his suspension shall be made to the First Vice-President. The Committee on Complaints and Grievances, if it finds that a trial is warranted, shall submit the charges to the Executive Committee within twenty four hours. The Executive Committee of the local shall hear these charges and on the evidence submitted on both sides render a fair decision. The defendant shall have the right of appeal to the Executive Council of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association. The decision of the Executive Council shall be final.
Section 1. A unit is a group within a local, which is required to perform certain specialized duties or task. The personnel of all units, appointed by the president, shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
(a). Medical: The Medical Unit shall constitute persons who are members of the medical, dental, pharmaceutical and nursing profession. It shall be their duty to give instructions, lectures and general information on health and other topics affecting the well being of the membership. They shall give to any group desiring training, instruction in first aid, hygiene and preventive medicinal alternatives. The local failing to include any of the above named professional persons in its membership shall form a medical unit among the lay members. This unit shall invite such members of the above named professions as are available to conduct classes and give instruction in the subjects aforementioned.
(b). Musical: Every local shall have the right to set up a Musical Unit. This unit shall consist of a band. orchestra and a choir. Each department shall have its own musical director. The musical directors shall be qualified musicians.
(c). Juvenile: Every local shall have the right to set up a Juvenile Department and to determine its functions.
(d). Women's Auxiliary: Each local shall have the right to establish a Women's Auxiliary. It shall be the duty of the Women's Auxiliary to raise funds to be used for the expense of delegates to the Convention, to provide for the care, keep and comfort of international officers visiting the local on business, and for any other business which the Executive Committee shall decide.
Section 1. Benefits: All financial members of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be entitled to the benefits hereafter mentioned:
(a). All applications for help shall be referred to the Sick Committee, which may recommend aid according to the circumstances of the case.
(b). The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall attempt to make or find employment for its members who make application for such employment.
(c). The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be entitled to Mutual Benefits.
(d). Death: The Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall establish a burial fund; each member of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, in order to obtain the benefits of this burial fund shall have subscribed to the fund for at least one (1) year and shall be in good financial standing in the organization. The subscription to the burial fund shall be $.25 per month. Upon conclusive proof of death, the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall subscribe from this fund the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars towards the funeral expense of the deceased. Any member who fails to subscribe to the burial fund for three months shall be unfinancial in this fund and shall not be entitled to the benefits of this fund Any member who is unfinancial in the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, shall be classified as unfinancial in the burial fund. The Financial Secretary of the local shall collect from each member monthly the subscription to the burial fund.
The Constitution may be amended by the following procedure:
1. Notice setting forth a copy of the proposed amendment shall be submitted at a regular Convention and shall require a majority vote for endorsement The Convention, shall set a time limit not exceeding one (l) year within which each local shall vote upon the proposed amendment The Executive Secretary shall transmit an official transcript of the endorsed amendment to each local. A majority vote in each local shall determine the vote of the local. The amendment shall be declared ratified when threefourths of the total number of locals shall have voted affirmatively for the proposed amendment.
Section 1.
Order of Business:
1. Call to Order by the Presiding Officer.
2. Devotional Exercises.
3. Roll Call of Officers.
4. Remarks by the Presiding Officer.
5. Reading of Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
6. Unfinished Business.
7. Communications.
8. Applications for Membership.
9. Report of Special Committees.
10. Report of Standing Committees.
11. Admission of New Members.
12. Good and Welfare.
13. Closing Remarks.
14. Receipts of the Meeting.
15. Adjournment.
Section 2. Monthly Reports.
All locals must send monthly reports and returns to the Headquarters.
Section 3. Names and Addresses of Officers.
The names and addresses of the officers of all locals must be filed at Headquarters. It is the duty of the local to send this information to the headquarters within ten days from the date of election.
Section 4. Time and Place of Regular Meetings.
All locals shall inform the Headquarters of their time and place of regular meetings.
Section 5. Oath of Office.
Each elected officer shall take the following Oath of Office before he is installed:
Section 6.
Admission of New Members.
Section 7.
Appointment of Committees. The President shall appoint the chairman and members of all committees, except in cases where provision is made in the Constitution for election of members to any committee.
Section 8.
Removal of Officers. The President shall have the right to remove any officer from an appointive office.
Section 9.
All members, committees, and units must submit their suggestions, recommendations, findings, and reports to the Executive Committee for its approval, before such suggestions, recommendations, findings and reports shall be presented to the general body of the local.
Section 10.
Application for Charter. All applications for charters shall be made to the Executive Council of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, on prescribed Application Forms. These forms can be obtained from the Headquarters upon request.
Section 11. No officer or member shall discuss the business of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association, in public or with any person or persons who are not active members of the Shashamane Ethiopia Federal Agents Association.
Section 12. Expense of Delegates. Each local shall bear the expenses of its own delegates and should in case it is found necessary for the Executive Council to send a special delegate or delegates to any local, that local may be required to pay the expenses of the delegate or delegates.